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2020 The Heartland Marathon - Marathon Overall--Text Results

          Heartland Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & Marathon Relay
                            September 27, 2020
                                      Omaha, NE
                         Offical Marathon Results
               (Please note Pacers not eligible for awards)
                    USATF Course Certification NE2005GM

Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                 P Age Sex City             St  Ctr 4.4 Mil 10 Mile 13.1 Mi 17.5 Mi 23.1 Mi Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ==================== = === === ================ === === ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======   
    1   1/12      77 Tim Langdon             39   M Bennington       NE  US    27:35 1:03:50 1:23:57 1:52:52 2:30:52 2:52:02 2:52:02 | 
    2   1/7       41 Gabtiel Finn            22   M Anamosa          IA  US    28:41 1:07:48 1:28:47 2:03:02 2:44:37 3:05:25 3:05:25 | 
    3   2/12      68 Michael Keenan          34   M Overland Park    KS  US    29:49 1:07:49 1:28:47 1:58:37 2:39:29 3:07:48 3:07:47 | 
    4   1/20      80 Krista Lewis            34   F Oswego           IL  US    32:23 1:12:59 1:35:08 2:06:41 2:47:44 3:10:17 3:10:13 | 
    5   2/20      75 Jackie Kunnemann        34   F Lincoln          NE  US    31:57 1:12:01 1:33:58 2:05:59 2:47:43 3:10:53 3:10:50 | 
    6   1/21     136 Brian Wright            42   M Nashville        TN  US    32:25 1:13:41 1:36:22 2:08:56 2:50:39 3:13:30 3:13:26 | 
    7   3/12     101 Jonathan Rieckmann      35   M Batavia          IL  US    32:14 1:12:55 1:35:04 2:06:59 2:50:13 3:14:57 3:14:48 | 
    8   1/17     144 Todd Nott            X  56   M Plattsmouth      NE  US    32:33 1:14:01 1:36:57 2:10:00 2:52:59 3:15:12 3:15:12 | 
    9   2/17      30 Andrew Becker           50   M Rochester        MN  US    32:24 1:13:40 1:36:20 2:08:55 2:52:53 3:15:32 3:15:27 | 
   10   3/17     115 Tony Stoner             52   M West Frankfort   IL  US    32:20 1:13:58 1:37:25 2:10:17 2:52:59 3:15:40 3:15:38 | 
   11   2/7       73 Jonathan Krings         24   M Platte Center    NE  US    33:58 1:17:06 1:40:13 2:12:57 2:54:19 3:16:07 3:15:53 | 
   12   1/20     111 Sadie Smith             41   F Saint Louis      MO  US    32:24 1:13:42 1:36:22 2:09:16 2:53:22 3:18:37 3:18:33 | 
   13   4/12      25 Jonathan Bolha          39   M Youngstown       OH  US    31:58 1:13:08 1:36:07 2:09:59 2:53:21 3:20:23 3:20:22 | 
   14   4/17     127 Mark Volkmann           59   M Saint Charles    MO  US    33:38 1:16:39 1:40:08 2:13:38 2:56:46 3:21:00 3:20:54 | 
   15   3/20      27 Lauren Bunch            32   F Jenks            OK  US    32:00 1:13:07 1:36:11 2:10:22 2:57:18 3:23:15 3:23:14 | 
   16   4/20      83 Margaret Lohse          37   F Naperville       IL  US    33:27 1:16:38 1:40:32 2:15:03 3:00:16 3:25:12 3:25:08 | 
   17   5/12      28 Duke Burk               33   M Council Bluffs   IA  US    35:15 1:20:15 1:44:34 2:19:05 3:03:35 3:28:19 3:28:18 | 
   18   2/21      92 Patrick Osborne         46   M Birmingham       AL  US    34:04 1:17:55 1:41:56 2:17:01 3:03:19 3:28:42 3:28:40 | 
   19   3/21      69 Aaron Kennedy           42   M Council Bluffs   IA  US    36:04 1:21:20 1:46:06 2:21:47 3:07:30 3:32:26 3:32:16 | 
   20   1/6      135 Tom Woo                 61   M Rochester        MN  US    34:31 1:19:10 1:44:07 2:20:12 3:07:48 3:33:20 3:33:17 | 
   21   4/21     140 Josh Zwick              47   M Bolivar          OH  US    35:46 1:22:06 1:47:28 2:22:52 3:08:24 3:33:38 3:33:34 | 
   22   3/7       44 Garret Frei             27   M Broomfield       CO  US    32:24 1:14:56 1:39:58 2:22:26     DNF 3:35:47 3:35:45 | 
   23   5/20      55 Carly Heard             38   F Burbank          SD  US    35:41 1:20:30 1:45:44 2:22:11 3:10:48 3:37:07 3:37:04 | 
   24   5/21      60 William Hollowell       40   M Tuscaloosa       AL  US    34:19 1:18:28 1:43:03 2:19:44 3:10:36 3:38:17 3:38:12 | 
   25   4/7      146 Alex Pitzen             27   M Adams            NE  US    37:44 1:25:04 1:50:42 2:28:25 3:14:47 3:39:15 3:38:55 | 
   26   6/12      93 Allan Ostle             30   M Omaha            NE  US    35:12 1:20:37 1:45:22 2:22:10 3:12:29 3:43:01 3:42:44 | 
   27   5/7        7 Adam Kost            X  25   M Omaha            NE  US    37:31 1:25:34 1:52:15 2:29:19 3:17:04 3:43:22 3:43:12 | 
   28   7/12      21 Jared Bauman            37   M Lincoln          NE  US    38:29 1:27:57 1:54:41 2:32:43 3:19:29 3:45:27 3:45:08 | 
   29   1/16      36 Teresa DeLay            50   F Odessa           MO  US    37:33 1:25:34 1:52:15 2:29:22 3:18:31 3:45:46 3:45:34 | 
   30   2/16     129 Michelle Walker         51   F Newburgh         IN  US    36:10 1:23:15 1:49:42 2:28:22 3:19:41 3:48:24 3:48:12 | 
   31   6/20      76 Emily Langdon           37   F Bennington       NE  US    37:34 1:27:16 1:53:53 2:32:30 3:22:25 3:48:55 3:48:45 | 
   32   6/21      64 Matthew Irish           47   M North Platte     NE  US    33:30 1:16:41 1:41:20 2:20:09 3:18:02 3:51:13 3:51:11 | 
   33   7/21      65 Daniel Isley            41   M Medina           TN  US    37:21 1:25:23 1:52:05 2:29:08 3:20:25 3:51:54 3:51:33 | 
   34   5/17      88 Joseph R Monolo         50   M Beaverdam        VA  US    37:32 1:25:57 1:52:37 2:31:03 3:23:24 3:52:28 3:52:15 | 
   35   6/17      24 David Bedlan            51   M Fairbury         NE  US    35:21 1:20:51 1:47:12 2:26:59 3:22:01 3:53:58 3:52:47 | 
   36   8/21     124 Phil Truax              44   M Lexington        NE  US    37:53 1:26:14 1:52:47 2:32:52 3:23:39 3:53:00 3:52:48 | 
   37   7/20      97 Ashley Pham             37   F Papillion        NE  US    38:28 1:26:18 1:52:24 2:30:32 3:23:39 3:53:15 3:53:11 | 
   38   8/12      91 Jacob Oran              36   M Kearney          NE  US    38:28 1:27:58 1:56:01 2:34:19 3:25:24 3:54:13 3:53:55 | 
   39   1/6      125 Maddie Tucker           27   F Aberdeen         SD  US    33:05 1:15:34 1:38:56 2:13:34 3:12:41 3:55:34 3:55:29 | 
   40   9/12      72 Michael Kranz           39   M New Berlin       WI  US    36:01 1:22:05 1:47:27 2:26:42 3:25:49 3:56:19 3:56:14 | 
   41   2/20      15 Karen Andersen          40   F Philadelphia     PA  US    37:57 1:26:18 1:53:10 2:32:27 3:27:23 3:57:42 3:57:32 | 
   42   3/20     145 Diane Challacombe       48   F Manhattan        KS  US    38:26 1:28:17 1:55:58 2:36:37 3:30:12 3:58:07 3:57:49 | 
   43   9/21      70 John Koester            40   M Omaha            NE  US    39:59 1:31:11 1:59:41 2:40:08 3:30:29 3:58:14 3:57:55 | 
   44   8/20      78 Hilarie LaPoint         33   F Ottumwa          IA  US    35:44 1:22:15 1:48:34 2:28:45 3:26:22 3:58:16 3:58:12 | 
   45   7/17      19 Tom Barth               53   M Hamilton         OH  US    39:56 1:31:13 1:59:41 2:40:11 3:31:15 3:58:33 3:58:13 | 
   46   8/17       3 Miguel Carreon       X  53   M Omaha            NE  US    40:00 1:31:13 1:59:43 2:40:15 3:30:33 3:58:44 3:58:27 | 
   47  10/12     116 Jason Talbott           37   M Florissant       MO  US    38:10 1:28:25 1:56:40 2:37:05 3:30:11 3:59:46 3:59:26 | 
   48   9/17      52 Mark Gustafson          51   M Lincoln          NE  US    34:06 1:18:16 1:43:16 2:25:52 3:26:29 4:01:04 4:00:42 | 
   49  10/17     113 John Snuggs             54   M Glen Allen       VA  US    39:42 1:31:11 1:58:39 2:36:47 3:30:03 4:01:36 4:00:49 | 
   50   4/20      54 Robin Haynes            42   F Columbus         NE  US    38:26 1:28:18 1:55:53 2:36:37 3:31:16 4:01:13 4:00:56 | 
   51   9/20      61 Jaclyn Howard           30   F Lincoln          NE  US    38:17 1:28:00 1:55:44 2:36:18 3:32:00 4:04:09 4:02:56 | 
   52   5/20     134 Tracey Wohlers          47   F Plattsmouth      NE  US    37:35 1:25:35 1:52:17 2:30:39 3:27:08 4:04:04 4:03:54 | 
   53   6/20      46 Hallie Ganz             43   F Kearney          NE  US    42:13 1:34:27 2:03:17 2:44:35 3:37:03 4:08:10 4:06:11 | 
   54  11/12     106 Michael Sampson         34   M Omaha            NE  US    39:58 1:31:33 1:59:40 2:40:11 3:35:52 4:06:55 4:06:34 | 
   55  10/21     142 Adam Maguire            40   M Victoria         MN  US    41:18 1:34:35 2:02:57 2:44:18 3:38:54 4:08:57 4:08:39 | 
   56  11/21     143 Steven Smith            48   M Shepherdsville   KY  US    37:31 1:25:31 1:52:14 2:34:25 3:34:22 4:09:45 4:09:32 | 
   57  12/21       9 Pedro Loza           X  40   M Omaha            NE  US    42:23 1:36:21 2:05:40 2:47:58 3:42:21 4:13:57 4:13:13 | 
   58  10/20       8 Jennifer Loza        X  39   F Omaha            NE  US    42:23 1:36:21 2:05:40 2:47:55 3:42:18 4:13:57 4:13:14 | 
   59  12/12      59 Connor Hogg             32   M Omaha            NE  US    40:20 1:33:39 2:03:08 2:44:58 3:41:45 4:14:00 4:13:43 | 
   60   7/20      17 Angelique Arflack       49   F Burr Ridge       IL  US    40:58 1:33:13 2:02:42 2:44:44 3:42:57 4:14:31 4:14:12 | 
   61  11/20      26 Tasha Breitbarth        39   F Pender           NE  US    41:04 1:32:41 2:02:45 2:46:46 3:44:39 4:18:17 4:17:09 | 
   62  13/21     117 Stephen Tarleton        49   M Austin           TX  US    41:49 1:33:25 2:02:20 2:47:18 3:47:15 4:20:36 4:20:15 | 
   63  14/21      50 Pete Graziano           46   M Plattsmouth      NE  US    42:20 1:36:19 2:05:39 2:48:08 3:47:59 4:23:47 4:23:01 | 
   64   2/6       22 Keith Baumert           65   M Omaha            NE  US    43:48 1:40:44 2:11:19 2:57:34 3:53:40 4:24:12 4:23:27 | 
   65   6/7      147 Tyler Stone             20   M Omaha            NE  US    39:04 1:30:10 1:58:51 2:39:34 3:51:36 4:24:50 4:23:41 | 
   66   1/2       20 Edward Bates            71   M Dundee           IL  US    39:43 1:31:13 1:59:31 2:44:55 3:50:53 4:26:10 4:25:25 | 
   67   2/6       82 Megan Lindsay           26   F Omaha            NE  US    43:49 1:40:50 2:11:33 2:57:05 3:54:41 4:26:32 4:25:47 | 
   68   3/6       49 Annabella Glatte        20   F Elkhorn          NE  US    43:28 1:40:29 2:10:27 2:55:11 3:54:47 4:27:57 4:26:50 | 
   69  12/20      96 Rebecca Perry           36   F Omaha            NE  US    43:45 1:40:49 2:11:34 2:57:06 3:57:13 4:29:17 4:28:31 | 
   70   8/20      38 Dawn Doucette           40   F Sevierville      TN  US    35:46 1:22:08 1:48:32 2:46:09 3:54:16 4:28:45 4:28:42 | 
   71   9/20       6 Elissa Huebert       X  40   F Bellevue         NE  US    44:35 1:41:57 2:13:38 2:58:28 3:56:52 4:30:14 4:29:06 | 
   72  10/20      13 Heather Zeigler      X  40   F Woodridge        IL  US    44:37 1:41:55 2:13:39 2:58:32 3:56:52 4:30:14 4:29:06 | 
   73   2/2      141 Philip Hodges           72   M Ames             IA  US    45:05 1:41:03 2:13:04 2:59:08 3:58:33 4:31:42 4:31:25 | 
   74  11/20      85 Janna Mashek            44   F Gibbon           NE  US    42:14 1:41:49 2:13:20 3:02:49 4:00:55 4:33:37 4:31:38 | 
   75  15/21     104 Felix Salamin           48   M Omaha            NE  US    44:34 1:41:52 2:13:35 2:58:31 3:59:09 4:33:00 4:31:49 | 
   76  16/21      53 Shannon Hansen          47   M Omaha            NE  US    42:34 1:36:43 2:06:42 2:50:33 3:54:22 4:33:18 4:32:07 | 
   77  11/17     100 Todd Raney              51   M Kansas City      MO  US    44:29 1:41:51 2:13:37 2:58:16 3:59:07 4:34:09 4:32:59 | 
   78  17/21      40 Nathan Fager            41   M Monroe           MI  US    39:58 1:31:15 1:59:45 2:40:17 3:48:35 4:33:19 4:33:01 | 
   79  18/21      90 Steve Oberdin           49   M Omaha            NE  US    42:22 1:36:20 2:06:41 2:53:41 3:59:53 4:35:12 4:34:28 | 
   80  13/20     103 Melissa Ryks-Schock     35   F Lincoln          NE  US    44:40 1:42:00 2:13:49 2:58:34 3:57:58 4:36:47 4:35:38 | 
   81   3/16     119 Donelle Thomas          55   F Omaha            NE  US    43:52 1:39:58 2:11:19 2:57:47 4:00:50 4:39:14 4:38:02 | 
   82   4/16      67 Phyllis Kampmeyer       55   F Pembroke Pines   FL  US    42:03 1:36:27 2:07:08 2:54:02 4:00:26 4:39:12 4:38:27 | 
   83   3/6      132 Bob White               64   M Ralston          NE  US    45:17 1:41:51 2:13:23 2:56:22 3:58:38 4:40:49 4:39:38 | 
   84  14/20      74 Mandy Kubicek           36   F Omaha            NE  US    47:20 1:48:33 2:22:00 3:10:43 4:11:49 4:42:16 4:40:41 | 
   85   5/16      29 Barbara Buttin          50   F Western Springs  IL  US    47:14 1:48:31 2:21:57 3:10:43 4:09:34 4:42:37 4:41:00 | 
   86   4/6       84 Alyssa Lynch            20   F Conway           SC  US    47:17 1:48:33 2:21:58 3:10:44 4:09:35 4:42:37 4:41:01 | 
   87  19/21      66 Michael Janovici        44   M Glendale         CA  US    40:09 1:35:33 2:08:12 2:55:39 4:03:58 4:42:25 4:41:13 | 
   88   6/16      37 Sue Dobson              51   F Lincoln          NE  US    44:11 1:40:17 2:13:06 3:02:27 4:09:03 4:43:36 4:42:26 | 
   89   7/16     126 Christina VandeZande    55   F Marquette        MI  US    42:42 1:39:50 2:12:48 3:02:00 4:07:54 4:45:28 4:43:52 | 
   90  12/17      12 Thomas Perri         X  59   M Maple Grove      MN  US    47:23 1:48:32 2:22:00 3:10:46 4:10:36 4:45:55 4:44:20 | 
   91  13/17      33 Tim Cook                52   M Vancouver        WA  US    45:47 1:43:18 2:15:37 3:03:54 4:09:56 4:46:54 4:45:43 | 
   92  15/20      39 Leigh Ellis             31   F Omaha            NE  US    45:42 1:47:29 2:21:52 3:13:48 4:17:47 4:55:14 4:51:16 | 
   93  16/20      45 Courtney Gallu          30   F Omaha            NE  US    45:41 1:47:29 2:21:52 3:13:45 4:17:48 4:55:14 4:51:16 | 
   94  14/17      16 Glen Anderson           54   M Kents Store      VA  US    43:57 1:40:28 2:11:59 3:05:00 4:14:31 4:53:26 4:52:16 | 
   95  15/17      51 Paul Grzemski           59   M Elgin            IL  US    43:44 1:39:46 2:11:53 3:04:09 4:16:21 4:56:30 4:54:51 | 
   96   8/16     109 Julie Selk              52   F Omaha            NE  US    45:47 1:47:07 2:22:13 3:13:37 4:20:43 4:57:51 4:56:40 | 
   97   9/16     138 Cathy Young             53   F Allen            TX  US    47:20 1:48:31 2:24:05 3:12:27 4:20:56 4:58:24 4:56:46 | 
   98   4/6       32 Greg Colan              62   M Omaha            NE  US    49:08 1:51:00 2:26:08 3:18:00 4:21:54 4:59:22 4:57:23 | 
   99  17/20      11 Kali Morgan          X  39   F Oak Creek        WI  US    49:12 1:53:40 2:28:19 3:17:59 4:22:27 5:00:17 4:58:19 | 
  100  10/16       1 Keiko Andersen       X  58   F Marquette        NE  US    49:08 1:53:39 2:28:20 3:18:04 4:22:26 5:00:17 4:58:19 | 
  101   5/6      120 Steven Thomas           60   M Indianapolis     IN  US    46:44 1:46:30 2:21:34 3:15:04 4:24:12 5:02:40 5:01:02 | 
  102  11/16      99 Sylvia Rael             50   F Omaha            NE  US    45:37 1:45:30 2:20:56 3:10:50 4:22:21 5:07:40 5:06:27 | 
  103  12/20      86 Melanie McCain          45   F Omaha            NE  US    50:05 1:54:47 2:31:03 3:23:10 4:30:00 5:09:17 5:07:06 | 
  104   7/7      130 Corey Weber             24   M Glenwood         IA  US    39:46 1:31:12 2:03:09 2:59:10 4:28:03 5:09:38 5:09:21 | 
  105   1/2       31 Sarah Carson            19   F Ackley           IA  US    39:33 1:30:48 2:00:13 2:54:43 4:25:06 5:10:43 5:09:59 | 
  106  16/17      95 Stephen Payne           55   M Elverta          CA  US    51:26 1:56:39 2:32:55 3:23:26 4:33:04 5:14:31 5:12:21 | 
  107  13/20     108 Carol Schilling         48   F Appleton         WI  US    50:51 2:00:03 2:39:14 3:29:56 4:37:35 5:14:48 5:13:08 | 
  108   6/6        4 Ken Fattmann         X  65   M Ozark            MO  US    52:53 2:00:11 2:36:43 3:29:18 4:36:45 5:16:41 5:14:30 | 
  109  14/20      87 Joan Miller             47   F Fremont          NE  US    49:39 1:49:35 2:24:13 3:15:14 4:35:32 5:16:32 5:14:32 | 
  110  18/20      81 Christina Liekhus       39   F North Bend       NE  US    49:39 1:49:32 2:24:08 3:16:41 4:33:37 5:16:32 5:14:32 | 
  111  12/16      89 Karen Murray            54   F Mamaroneck       NY  US    44:33 1:41:55 2:17:00 3:13:23 4:34:46 5:15:48 5:14:38 | 
  112   5/6       79 Cara Leaf               27   F Omaha            NE  US    49:13 1:53:38 2:28:22 3:18:24 4:34:40 5:18:24 5:16:25 | 
  113  19/20     114 Victoria Stewart        30   F Bellevue         NE  US    52:54 2:00:11 2:36:43 3:30:25 4:45:23 5:29:49 5:27:38 | 
  114  13/16     133 Patty Williams          50   F Urbandale        IA  US    50:09 1:56:55 2:36:19 3:33:57 4:49:40 5:30:57 5:28:58 | 
  115  15/20     137 Kelly Wrobel            42   F Houston          TX  US    51:59 2:01:48 2:41:54 3:39:59 4:55:41 5:38:26 5:36:49 | 
  116  20/20      14 Sagirah Ahmed Norris    31   F Houston          TX  US    51:58 2:01:49 2:41:54 3:40:00 4:55:40 5:38:27 5:36:49 | 
  117  17/17      98 Raymundo Quintana       51   M Burnsville       MN  US    52:54 2:00:09 2:39:50 3:38:27 4:55:33 5:41:20 5:39:07 | 
  118  16/20      34 Miranda Davis           42   F Papillion        NE  US    48:50 1:54:34 2:34:47 3:32:23 4:54:38 5:42:01 5:40:24 | 
  119  17/20      48 Brenda Girouard         47   F Sioux Falls      SD  US    51:17 2:00:23 2:39:08 3:41:06 5:02:02 5:46:26 5:44:26 | 
  120  14/16      35 Isabella de la Houss    56   F Trenton          NJ  US    48:26 1:58:11 2:41:19 3:43:24 5:05:24 5:49:53 5:49:40 | 
  121  15/16      63 Susan Hrabchak          59   F Omaha            NE  US    48:30 1:58:10 2:41:19 3:43:20 5:05:54 5:49:53 5:49:40 | 
  122  18/20     122 Becky Tomlinson         47   F Kaukauna         WI  US    50:48 2:00:22 2:39:23 3:47:45 5:10:53 5:55:28 5:53:49 | 
  123   2/2      121 Allison Tomlinson       19   F Kaukauna         WI  US    50:51 2:00:24 2:39:24 3:47:45 5:10:52 5:55:28 5:53:49 | 
  124  16/16     107 Kate Sassanella         50   F Indianapolis     IN  US    51:27 2:02:58 2:44:01 3:47:48 5:10:57 5:56:16 5:54:35 | 
  125   6/6      139 Markie Zimmer           27   F Southfield       MI  US    53:02 2:07:26 2:50:59 3:54:32 5:15:54 5:59:39 5:57:27 | 
  126  20/21     110 Drew Sheppard           49   M New York         NY  US    59:27 2:17:11 3:01:19 4:08:16 5:39:09 6:30:18 6:28:05 | 
       21/21     118 Darrell Taylor          46   M Firestone        CO  US    34:56 1:17:14 1:40:05 2:15:50     DNF     DNF     DNF | 
       19/20     112 Stefanie Smykowski      41   F Watertown        SD  US    42:25 1:43:55 2:21:01     DNF     DNF     DNF     DNF | 
       20/20       5 Aimee Hough          X  42   F Omaha            NE  US    47:28 1:48:34 2:21:59     DNF     DNF     DNF     DNF | 

results by Precision Race Results LLC, Omaha, NE